After finishing school, or on vacation, you no longer feel that your thinking skills. No need to worry about following it easy enough to make you more intelligent.
1. Relax
According to research at the California Institute of Technology, when we relax, our brain memory work better. Take a few minutes each day to calm down, even meditate.
2. Create a plan
Research shows that people often make plans and look forward to future events, have Alzheimer's risk 50% lower. Do not worry if your calendar is not full schedule to save the world. To plan get-togethers with my friends every week is also sufficient.
3. Walk
Glucose levels increased, even though not yet entered the level of diabetes, can disturb the brain that stores memory. We do physical activity like walking can help lower blood sugar levels.
4. Berries
Berries have a compound called anthocyanin which helps the communication between brain cells and improve memory.
5. Learning new things
A university research Irvine found to reduce the effects of aging brain stimulation thoughts. So. take a Spanish class, learn to sew, or play poker now.
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Improving the workings of the brain, can be done with a variety, such as completing a crossword puzzle or eating foods rich in omega 3. In addition, there are other ways to improve brain power, that is by jogging.
According to the research team from Cambridge University, running or jogging triggers the growth of hundreds of thousands of new brain cells in the formation and memory storage.
"We already know that exercise is good for improving health and brain function. This research was conducted to determine the mechanisms and effects, "
During the study, researchers watched two groups of rats. The first group of rats had unlimited access to spin the wheel of a toy that ran on average 24 kilimeter per day. Then, groups of mice both its access is restricted to running in the wheel toy.
Rats are placed in front of a computer screen, and faced with two identical boxes together and coexist. According to research, if the mouse to the left elbow with his nose, it will get a reward of sugar pellets. But if nudged to the right, do not get anything.
The rats were then subjected to a memory test, if true, then nudged the box score better. Results showed that rats who ran his access is not limited to, the memory test score higher than its access for a limited run.
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